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The app is coming along!

Still taking donations via PayPal. Exercise pics are being taken and coding begins next week!

Wow!! The outpouring of support for FitTime5 has been more than we could have imagined! Many of you have expressed how necessary an app like this is to helping everybody move and feel better. If you have a job that requires you to sit for long hours and/or spend lots of hours in the car driving, this is a must-have!

Our Kickstarter campaign ended 2 weeks ago and although we didn’t hit our goal, we decided the demand for this app is there so we decided to go with Plan B. We set up a PayPal link [insert here] on our HomePage if you would still like to donate. Rewards are listed for different donation amounts.

For those of you who donated on Kickstarter, you will not be charged any donation or fees since we didn’t hit our goal. Instead, we wondered if you would be willing to sponsor us directly by using the above link. Thank you all for your donations. We were able to raise enough money to begin production of the iPhone version of FitTime5.

Coding begins next week! Pictures of our exercises are being taken today. Green screen is set up, lights and camera dialed in, models are ready to go...progress!

App coming Fall 2016.

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